| 1 | 1. | | Minutes | Approval of the minutes of the February 10, 2022 Land Development and Transportation Committee meeting. | approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 2. | | Planning Case | Request: Change in zoning from R-6 to C-1, commercial with conditional use permit for outdoor alcohol sales, revised development plan, variance, and waivers
Project Name: Ciao’s Restaurant
Location: 1203 Payne Street
Owner: Alfred Pizzonia, Jr. & Angelica Webster
Applicant: Craig Priddy
Representative: Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP - Cliff Ashburner
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 9 - Bill Hollander
Case Manager: Joel Dock, AICP, Planning Coordinator | continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 3. | | Planning Case | Request: Change in zoning from R-4 & C-1 to R-6, with Detailed District Development Plan with Binding Elements
Project Name: Greenburg Lower Hunters Trace
Location: 2328 & 2400 Lower Hunters Trace, 2403 Cady Court
Owner: George Gagel
Applicant: Select Homes
Representative: Dinsmore & Shohl
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 12 - Rick Blackwell
Case Manager: Dante St. Germain, AICP, Planner II | scheduled for a public hearing | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 4. | | Planning Case | Request: Change in zoning from R-4 to R-7 and C-2 with a landscape waivers and a variance
Project Name: Freys Hill Multi-Family
Location: 3323 & 3325 Freys Hill Road
Owner: Deerfield Co. Inc.
Applicant: LDG Multi-family LLC
Representative: Dinsmore and Shohl PLLC. & Sabak Wilson and Lingo
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 17- Markus Winkler
Case Manager: Julia Williams, AICP, Planning Supervisor | continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 5. | | Planning Case | Request: Closure of Public Right-of-Way
Project Name: Fegenbush Ln Closure
Location: Portion of Fegenbush Ln ROW adjacent to 5905 Fegenbush Ln
Owner/Applicant: Hull St Condominiums
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 2 - Barbara Shanklin
Case Manager: Jay Luckett, AICP, Planner II | scheduled for a public hearing | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 6. | | Planning Case | Request: Change in zoning from R-5 to R-6, with Detailed District Development Plan with Binding Elements, Variances and Waivers
Project Name: N Crestmoor Avenue Rezoning
Location: 100 N Crestmoor Avenue
Owner: Michael Frank & Lauren Riney
Applicant: Michael Frank
Representative: Mindel Scott & Associates
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 9 - Bill Hollander
Case Manager: Dante St. Germain, AICP, Planner II | continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 7. | 21-ZONE-0105 | Planning Case | Request: Change in zoning from C-1 to C-2, with Conditional Use Permit for outdoor storage, Detailed District Development Plan with Binding Elements, Variances and Waivers
Project Name: Second Nature Lawn Care
Location: 7411 St. Andrews Church Road
Owner: LNB Properties LLC
Applicant: LNB Properties LLC
Representative: Frost Brown Todd
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 25 - Amy Holton Stewart
Case Manager: Dante St. Germain, AICP, Planner II | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 8. | | Planning Case | Request: Change in zoning from C-1 to C-2 with a landscape waiver
Project Name: Breeze Bar
Location: 1247 S Shelby Street
Owner: Breitenstein Properties LLC
Applicant: Breitenstein Properties LLC
Representative: Heritage Engineering LLC
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 6- David James
Case Manager: Julia Williams, AICP, Planning Supervisor | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 9. | | Planning Case | Request: Change in zoning from R-6 to OR-1 with a landscape waiver
Project Name: Hair Salon
Location: 309 S Spring Street
Owner: Kelly Ann Cook
Applicant: Kelly Ann Cook
Representative: Kelly Ann Cook
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 9- Bill Hollander
Case Manager: Julia Williams, AICP, Planning Supervisor | | |
Action details
Not available