BLD-WRE-22-00425 and 00426
| 1 | 3. | | Planning Case | Request: Request to Waive Two Year Deed Restriction - Wrecking Permits BLD-WRE-22-00425 & BLD-WRE-22-00426
Project Name: Demolition of 9123 & 9127 Fern Creek Road
Location: 9123 & 9127 Fern Creek Road
Owner: Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government
Applicant: Louisville Free Public Library
Representative: Louisville Free Public Library
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 22- Robin Engel
Case Manager: Savannah Darr, Historic Preservation Officer | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 4. | | Planning Case | Request: Change in zoning from R-4 to R-5A, with Detailed District Development Plan with Binding Elements
Project Name: Bull Run Townhomes
Location: 1920 & 1922 Herr Lane
Owner: Bull Run Townhomes LLC
Applicant: Bull Run Townhomes LLC
Representative: Bardenwerper, Talbott & Roberts
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro, City of Graymoor-Devondale
Council District: 7 - Paula McCraney
Case Manager: Dante St. Germain, AICP, Planner II | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 5. | | Planning Case | Request: Revised Detailed District Development Plan/Major Preliminary Subdivision and Pattern Book for PD Option in the U-N Zoning District, with revised Binding Elements
Project Name: Cottages on Vine Street
Location: 814 Vine Street
Applicant: PPT IX LLC
Representative: Wyatt Tarrant & Combs
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 6 - Vacant
Case Manager: Dante St. Germain, AICP, Planner II | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 6. | | Planning Case | Request: Revised Detailed District Development Plan with revisions to Binding Elements
Project Name: Thieneman E Orell
Location: 11905 Dixie Hwy
Owner: 11905 Dixie Hwy LLC
Applicant: 11905 Dixie Hwy LLC
Representative: Land Design and Development
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 14 - Cindi Fowler
Case Manager: Jay Luckett, AICP, Planner II | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 7. | | Planning Case | Request: Parking waiver to reduce required parking spaces from 42 to 30
Project Name: Senora Arepa Restaurant
Location: 117 St. Matthews Avenue
Owner: Louisville Timber & Wooden Products Co.
Applicant: Ole Hospitality Group
Representative: Forza Architecture, Inc. - Stephen Tracy
Jurisdiction: City of St. Matthews
Council District: 9 - Bill Hollander
Case Manager: Joel P. Dock, AICP, Planning Coordinator | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 8. | | Planning Case | Request: Change in zoning from R-5 to R-6, with Detailed District Development Plan with Binding Elements, Variance, and Waiver
Project Name: Fultz Meridian Avenue
Location: 205 & 207 Meridian Avenue
Owner: Dan & Cheryl Fultz
Applicant: Dan & Cheryl Fultz
Representative: Bardenwerper, Talbott & Roberts
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 9 - Bill Hollander
Case Manager: Dante St. Germain, AICP, Planner II | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 9. | | Planning Case | Request: Unnamed Alley Closure
Project Name: Fultz Meridian Avenue
Location: Unnamed Alley near 205 & 207 Meridian Avenue
Owner: Louisville Metro
Applicant: Dan & Cheryl Fultz
Representative: Bardenwerper, Talbott & Roberts
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 9 - Bill Hollander
Case Manager: Dante St. Germain, AICP, Planner II | | |
Action details
Not available