| 1 | 1. | | Minutes | Approval of the minutes of the December 9, 2021 Land Development and Transportation Committee meeting. | approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 2. | | Planning Case | Request: A proposed street closure for Linde Lane
Project Name: Street Closure
Location: Linde Lane, a street located near the intersection of Nash Road and Outer Loop
Owner: Ayala Transport, LLC.
Applicant: Mohammad Nouri, Consept 21, PLLC.
Representative: Mohammad Nouri, Concept 21, PLLC.
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 13 - Mark Fox
Case Manager: Molly Clark, Planner I | scheduled for a public hearing | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 3. | | Planning Case | Request: Change in zoning from R-6 to C-1, commercial with conditional use permit for outdoor alcohol sales, revised development plan, variance, and waivers
Project Name: Ciao’s Restaurant
Location: 1203 Payne Street
Owner: Alfred Pizzonia, Jr. & Angelica Webster
Applicant: Craig Priddy
Representative: Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP - Cliff Ashburner
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 9 - Bill Hollander
Case Manager: Joel Dock, AICP, Planning Coordinator | continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 4. | | Planning Case | Request: Change in zoning from R-4 to R-7, with Detailed District Development Plan with Binding Elements and Variance
Project Name: Old Preston Highway Apartments
Location: 10410 & 10414 Old Preston Highway
Owner: Skaggs Family Trust
Applicant: Highgates Development
Representative: Bardenwerper, Talbott & Roberts
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 24 - Madonna Flood
Case Manager: Dante St. Germain, AICP, Planner II | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 5. | | Planning Case | Request: Change in zoning from UN to C-1 with a waiver
Project Name: Portland House
Location: 2430 Portland Ave
Owner: McKree Properties LLC
Applicant: McKree Properties LLC
Representative: McKree Properties LLC
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 5- Donna Purvis
Case Manager: Joel Dock, AICP, Planning Coordinator | continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 6. | | Planning Case | Request: Change in zoning from R-4, OR, C-1, & C-2 to R-5A with a waiver
Project Name: LDG on Cane Run Road
Location: 4516, 4524, & 4518 Cane Run Road
Owner: Cane Run Properties LLC, Nutstreams LLC, & LDG Land
Holdings LLC
Applicant: LDG
Representative: Dinsmore and Shohl LLP
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 1- Jessica Green
Case Manager: Joel Dock, AICP, Planning Coordinator | | |
Action details
Not available