| 1 | 1. | | Planning Case | Request: CONTINUED FROM AUGUST 21, 2023. Category 3 Development Plan with Variance to exceed the 80’ maximum front yard setback
Project Name: Quadrant Zorn Retail Park
Location: 1041 Zorn Avenue
Owner: Quadrant Hospitality LLC
Applicant: Quadrant Hospitality LLC
Representative: Mindel Scott
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 9 - Andrew Owen
Case Manager: Ethan Lett, Planner I | continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 2. | 23-VARIANCE-0060 | Planning Case | Request: Variance to allow an accessory structure to encroach into the street side setback (Continued from the 8/21/23 BOZA Meeting).
Project Name: 2038 Tyler Lane
Location: 2038 Tyler Lane
Owner: Tyler 2038 LLC
Applicant: Ethan Adams, EFK Properties LLC
Representative: Kevin Sullivan, EFK Properties LLC
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 8- Ben Reno-Weber
Case Manager: Amy Brooks, Planner I | continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 3. | | Planning Case | Request: Variance from Section 5.3.1.C.5 to exceed the maximum setback of 150 feet to be 462 feet, a variance of 312 feet
Project Name: Kroger L-502 Ballardsville
Location: 10010 Ballardsville Rd
Owner: Eastmore Acres Realty Co.
Applicant: The Kroger Co.
Representative: John Campbell, Heritage Engineering
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 17 - Markus Walker
Case Manager: John Michael Lawler, Planner I | approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 4. | | Planning Case | Request: Variances associated with a Category 3 Development plan for a 60-unit senior housing development
Project Name: Iroquois Homes Senior Living
Location: 1400 Bicknell Ave
Owner: Louisville Metro Housing Authority
Applicant: Louisville Metro Housing Authority
Representative: Missy Legel
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 15 - Jennifer Chappell
Case Manager: John Michael Lawler, Planner I | continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 5. | | Planning Case | Request: Variance to reduce the required side yard setbacks from 3’ to 0’ and from 3’ to 2’
Project Name: Swan Street Variance
Location: 817 Swan Street
Owner: Lewis Ventures, LLC.
Applicant: Jacob Guhy
Representative: Jacob Guhy
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 6 - Phillip Baker
Case Manager: Jeremy Chesler- Planner I | approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 6. | | Planning Case | Request: Variance to allow a fence to exceed a height of 48” in the street side yard setback
Project Name: Heatherview Road Fence Variance
Location: 4000 Heatherview Road
Owner: Sadak Sajib
Applicant: Sadak Sajib
Representative: Sadak Sajib
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 2 - Barbara Shanklin
Case Manager: Jeremy Chesler - Planner I | approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 7. | | Planning Case | Request: Variance to allow a private yard area to be less than 30% of the required area of the lot.
Project Name: S. Sixth Street Variance
Location: 4531 S 6th St.
Owner: Stephen and Valerie Speth
Applicant: Anne DelPrince, DelPrince Designs
Representative: Anne DelPrince, DelPrince Designs
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 21- Betsy Ruhe
Case Manager: Amy Brooks, Planner I | approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 8. | | Planning Case | Request: Variance to allow a fence to exceed the allowed maximum height in a front yard setback.
Project Name: Northwestern Parkway Fence Variance
Location: 2503 Northwestern Parkway
Owner: Billy and Violet Simpson
Applicant: Billy Simpson
Representative: Billy Simpson
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 5- Donna Purvis
Case Manager: Amy Brooks, Planner I | approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 9. | | Planning Case | Request: A Sign Authorization to permit placement of signs not specifically authorized in the Land Development Code.
Project Name: Parking Lot Freestanding Signs
Location: 124 N. Preston Street
Owner: Cobalt Riverfront Properties, LLC
Applicant: Elijah Brown, USA Image
Representative: Elijah Brown, USA Image
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 4 - Jecorey Arthur
Case Manager: Heather Pollock, Planner I | approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 10. | | Planning Case | Request: Variance to allow a freestanding sign to exceed the maximum height permitted and a waiver to allow a changing image sign within 300 ft. of residential use.
Project Name: Class Act FCU Freestanding Sign
Location: 3620 Fern Valley Road
Owner: Classroom Teachers Federal Credit Union
Applicant: Heather Mullin, Golden Rule Signs
Representative: Heather Mullin, Golden Rule Signs
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 21 - Betsy Ruhe
Case Manager: Heather Pollock, Planner I | continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 11. | | Planning Case | Request: Modified Conditional Use Permit for off-street parking in the R-5 Zoning District
Project Name: Proposed Dental Office
Location: 5300 Preston Highway
Owner: SK Development, LLC
Applicant: Ashley Bartley - QK4
Representative: Ashley Bartley - QK4
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 21 - Betsy Ruhe
Case Manager: Molly Clark, Planner II | approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 12. | | Planning Case | Request: Modified Conditional Use Permit for Off-Street Parking in the OR-3 Zoning District
Project Name: Norton Hospital
Location: 3 Audubon Plaza Drive
Owner: Norton Hospital, INC.
Applicant: Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP
Sabak, Wilson & Lingo, INC.
Representative: Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP
Sabak, Wilson & Lingo, INC.
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 10 - Pat Mulvihill
Case Manager: Molly Clark, Planner II | approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 13. | | Planning Case | Request: Cont’d from 8/21/23. Conditional Use Permit for childcare center in a residential zone allowing for a maximum of 12 children
Project Name: Busy Kidz Childcare
Location: 7007 Norlynn Drive
Owner: Miriam Archie
Applicant: Miriam Archie
Representative: Miriam Archie
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 23 - Jeff Hudson
Case Manager: Joel P. Dock, AICP, Planning Supervisor | continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 14. | | Planning Case | Request: A Conditional Use Permit for a proposed Accessory Dwelling Unit in the R4 Zoning District
Project Name: Sylvania Road Accessory Dwelling Unit
Location: 6624 Sylvania Road
Owner: Apex Real Estate Enterprise
Applicant: Zach Schwager
Representative: Zach Schwager
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 12 - Rick Blackwell
Case Manager: Molly Clark, Planner II | denied | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 15. | | Planning Case | Request: Conditional Use Permit to allow an accessory dwelling unit in the R-5 Zoning District
Project Name: Proposed Accessory Dwelling Unit
Location: 524 Brentwood Avenue
Owner: Django Unchained Revocable Trust
Applicant: Zach Schwager
Representative: Zach Schwager
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 15 - Betsy Ruhe
Case Manager: Molly Clark, Planner II | denied | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 16. | | Planning Case | Request: A Conditional Use Permit for proposed off street parking in the R-4 zoning district and a Category 3 Plan.
Project Name: Okolona Center
Location: 4104 Outer Loop
Owner: Nance Realty Co
Applicant: Land Development and Design
Representative: Land Development and Design
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 13 - Dan Seum Jr
Case Manager: Molly Clark, Planner II. | approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available