| 1 | 1. | | Minutes | No minutes to be approved. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 2. | | Planning Case | Request: Change in Zoning from R-4 to R-5A with a District Development Plan with Binding Elements and a Waiver
Project Name: 4490 and 4492 Brownsboro Rd
Location: 4490 and 4492 Brownsboro Rd
Owner: 4490 Brownsboro Rd, LLC.
Applicant: 4490 Brownsboro Rd, LLC.
Representative: Frost, Brown Todd
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 7 - Paula McCraney
Case Manager: Jay Luckett, AICP, Planner II | continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 3. | | Planning Case | Project Name: Butchertown/Phoenix Hill/NuLu Neighborhood Plan
Case Manager: Mike King, Director, Office of Advanced Planning and Sustainability | recommended for approval | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 4. | | Planning Case | Request: Change in zoning from U-N to C-1, with Detailed District Development Plan and Binding Elements, and Waiver
Project Name: Opportunity Shelby
Location: 1118 S Shelby Street
Owner: Opportunity Louisville II LLC
Applicant: Opportunity Louisville II LLC
Representative: Rachel Harman
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 6 - David James
Case Manager: Dante St. Germain, AICP, Planner II | recommended for approval | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 5. | | Planning Case | Request: Revised Major Preliminary Subdivision (Conservation Subdivision) and a waiver
Project Name: The Courtyards
Location: 11705 Waterford Road and 11706 Hillside View Drive
Owner: RBHD, LLC & Red Bud Hill Development, INC
Applicant: RBHD, LLC & Red Bud Hill Development, INC
Representative: Allison Hicks, Mindel Scott
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 22 - Robin Engel
Case Manager: Molly Clark, Planner I | approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 6. | | Planning Case | Request: Revised Major Preliminary Subdivision, Revised Detailed District Development Plan, Floyds Fork Overlay
Project Name: Oakland Hills
Location: 11333 Bardstown Creek Road
Owner: 21st Century Parks Endowment, INC
Applicant: Larry Clark, RBHD, LLC & Red Bud Hill Dev, Inc
Representative: Allison Hicks, Mindel Scott
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 22 - Robin Engel
Case Manager: Molly Clark, Planner I | approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 7. | | Planning Case | Request: Change in Zoning from R-4 and C-1 to PEC with a District Development Plan with Binding Elements and Waivers
Project Name: UAW Chamberlain Ln
Location: 2702 Chamberlain Ln, 3120 and 3200 Collins Ln
Owner: Local Union 862 United Auto Workers
Applicant: Local Union 862 United Auto Workers
Representative: Bowman/BTM Engineering
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 17 - Markus Winkler
Case Manager: Jay Luckett, AICP, Planner II | recommended for approval | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 8. | | Planning Case | Request: Change in zoning from RR to C-2 with detailed district development plan in Floyds Fork Review Overlay and variance and waivers
Project Name: 2nds in Building Materials
Location: 2612 S. English Station Road
Owner: 2nds in Building Materials
Applicant: 2nds in Building Materials
Representative: Bardenwerper, Talbott, & Roberts, PLLC
Jurisdiction: Louisville Metro
Council District: 20 - Stuart Benson
Case Manager: Joel Dock, AICP, Planning Coordinator | recommended for disapproval | Pass |
Action details
Not available